Daily Juror Reporting Instructions

Information is not currently available online. Please call the Juror Information Line below

Call the Juror Information Line ( 912-652-7169 ) after 6 pm for further reporting and parking instructions. Remember you are on call for the entire week.

Juror Excusal/Deferral/Disqualification Forms and Affidavits

Below are listed reasons to be disqualified, excused, or deferred from jury service that require you to complete a form or affidavit and then return it via mail, fax, as an attachment to an e-mail, or by bringing it to the Jury Services Office. Where and how to return the form is given on each of the forms or affidavits. You will need to print the form so you can fill it out and then complete it. If you are unable to print out the form, you may call or go to the Jury Services Office and request the form you need.

All forms or affidavits must be sent as soon as possible, must have your actual signature, and for trial jurors they must be received by Jury Services no later than 5 days before your summons week.

If you have been summoned for Grand Jury Service, you need to send any request to the presiding judge's office as listed on your summons. Grand Juror excusal/disqualification/deferral requests must be received by the presiding judge as soon as possible, but at least by the deadline listed on the Grand Jury Summons.


Note: All Affidavits are required to be notarized before returning them to Jury Services. Remember to wait until you are before a notary to sign your affidavit.

Please call Jury Services at 912-652-7170 if you have any questions.

Courthouse Holidays

Jurors will not be required to report on the listed Chatham County Holidays.

Click here for Chatham County Holidays

Jury Services Contact Information

The Jury Assembly Room is located on the 2nd floor of the Chatham County Courthouse and is usually where you report when called in to serve as a juror during your week of service.

The Jury Services Office is not on the same floor as the Jury Assembly Room.

The Jury Services Office is located on the 6th floor of the Chatham County Courthouse, in room 616. Our mailing address:
Jury Services, Room 616
Chatham County Courthouse
133 Montgomery St.
Savannah, GA 31401-3245

Our Office phone # is 912-652-7170
Our Fax # is 912-652-7130.
Our email address is juryservices@chathamcounty.org.

The Jury Services office is open from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except on holidays. However, when the juror orientation process for reporting jurors is taking place, our jury staff may not be available in the Jury Services office to assist you. Jury staff are usually available in the office between 2 and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

If you need the daily juror reporting instructions, you may

  1. Go to the new eJuror website (jury.chathamcountyga.gov) for your personal reporting instructions.
  2. Call our Juror Information line at 912-652-7169 for the recorded verbal instructions.
  3. Look on this website under, "Daily Juror Reporting Instructions."